Prognostics & Diagnostic Biomarkers

Discovery pipeline build using omics technologies together with data science to address pain-causing conditions of pelvic floor, menstruation pain, urogynecological cancers, irritable bowel syndrome and osteoporosis. 

Genomics and Epigenomics

DNA variants and gene expression analysis to determine disease risk and optimal nutrition


Analysis of DNA markers to personalize medications to treat pain and associated conditions


Analysis of microbiome composition in our body to improve overall wellbeing

Data Science and SaaS

Digital health platform for pain management in women caused by chronic conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, menstrual pain, irritable bowel syndrome, urogynecological conditions and osteoporosis.

State-of-the-art Omics Technologies

Application of high-throughput genomics analysis to discover new disease and treatment biomarkers.